New Year’s Gaming Resolutions

I began this post with a simple goal; to list my new year’s gaming resolutions for 2019. However, as we say goodbye to 2018, I wanted to take the time to say “Thank You” to everyone who has taken the time to read my blog over the last eight weeks or so.

I hoped that my thoughts and random scribblings might provide some kind of value, amusement or at least be somewhat interesting for those who chanced across it, but I’ve been unprepared for the surprising journey that writing provides personally.

Before I started blogging I had a slight concern that my ideas might quickly run dry. I had two or three concepts that I wanted to commit to the blogosphere that I felt would make for a decent read, but after those? …I wasn’t sure. After writing for a couple of months, I’ve noticed that the process of committing words to the screen very often provides the basis for many more points of discussion. My greatest challenge whilst writing has been to stay on topic as often I find my mind creating new possibilities as I’m writing. To be all ‘meta’ about it… reread my first paragraph!

So, again… many thanks to anyone and everyone who has read anything I’ve posted or followed me on Twitter or Instagram etc. There’s no larger incentive to write more than to see people reading! With that said, allow me to take us to the formalities…

With 2019 beckoning, I feel compelled to cast a cynical eye over my gaming habits. The blog has provided a great incentive to expand my horizons, to try more indie titles that I might otherwise choose to ignore, and to think about how I assign the time I spend gaming. Therefore, I’ve created for myself four simple new year’s resolutions that I’d like to share (and hence give me incentive to achieve them)…

Spend less time in the competitive multiplayer ‘loop’ (you’re not that great anyway) !

There are so many incredible games to experience, and I’ve come to the realisation that I’m missing out on many of them due to the time sink of competitive multiplayer titles. I can’t imagine I’ll completely drop the likes of Rocket League and Fortnite (after all, they’re SO much fun) but I will be reducing the hours spent with these games to experience more variety in my gaming diet.

Catch up with some classics you missed!

I missed out on Nier: Automata and I’ve only heard great things about the game. I’ve managed to avoid spoilers and know very little about the story, so plan on grabbing the game as soon as I get a window.

Another game I’m very interested to pick up is Celeste. Being close to the top of many of this year’s ‘Best Game’ lists in a year that contained so many incredible triple-A titles is quite an achievement. I definitely need to find out more!

For the love of God, complete Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne!

FromSoftware are releasing their brand new game, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice at the end of March and despite the slightly awkward title, Sekiro is tipped to have the same challenge/reward system as its Dark Souls and Bloodborne predecessors. As I’ve shamefully admitted in a previous blog post, Dark Souls 3 remains uncompleted in my game stack, as does Bloodborne. This needs to be remedied in 2019, and preferably before the release of Sekiro so I can begin that journey free of the burdening weight of

Write about it all!

All of my resolutions are part of my main goal for 2019; continue to post regularly, improve my content and gain readership. It’s a tricky balance, and I have a new found respect for anyone who successfully balances gaming and blogging. To do either well is difficult, but to do both well is quite an achievement, especially if you have large commitments elsewhere (jobs, family… drug addiction?).

My main aim of this blog is to write intelligently, create inventive articles and perhaps challenge opinions whilst still retaining some of my own personality. There are hundreds of gaming review sites and I honestly don’t think I’ll add value by adding to the wave of popular opinion all saying very much the same thing about the latest ‘game-of-the-year contender’. On the other hand, if my opinion contradicts the masses and I feel strongly enough about it, then I feel a larger incentive to post about it.

There’s just one thing left to say and that’s to wish everyone a Happy New Year! May 2019 bring us incredible gaming experiences which innovate, surprise and evolve the gaming platform to new heights. Oh, and FromSoftware… go easy on us!

I wish you all the best! Happy New Year everyone. x

2 thoughts on “New Year’s Gaming Resolutions

  1. Never let anyone take away the things that give you joy. Keep playing Fortnite and Rocket League. Hell, I still have League of Legends installed and everyone is sure that it’s cancer.

    For your blogging habits I can only recommend to keep writing and get involved in the community 🙂 Visit other gaming blogs, leave comments (if you have a commute with public transport, you’ll have some time for this without losing other precious time) and be inspired by what others write. Respond to them or steal their ideas, but with your own perspective. You can do this! And I’ll be here for reading 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great advice Tessa! I’m definitely planning on following a few other gaming (and non-gaming) blogs. It’s interesting to see how bloggers can show their personality through their writing which I guess is the one of the most challenging things compared to video.

      Thanks again for being my first commentor! *fanfare*

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